Fog lifted in the Juan de Fuca so the sun could warm us up to10 C while we knew Vancouver was 30 C that day. We basked in 15 C as we passed Tatoosh Island and rounded Cape Flattery in about 12 kt of wind. We had left Port Angeles that morning, topped up with fuel and water at Neah Bay and decided to do our first overnight to Grays Harbour, Westport. The wind would be about 15 kt tonight and a good start for us to learn about watches. Strong current with us and we were extatic with our 6.5-7 kt speed in a well loaded boat. (Of course, its a CS). At night as the wet darkness arrived we watched the wind drop to under 10 and eventually our speed to 3.5 (now against current). However, we were committed to reach Grays Harbour and do the first bar. We found we could all sleep on our shifts and the roll of the boat was gentle as were the winds and seas. By morning, it was time for a drifter! What! We had prepped ourselves for crashing seas, spume blown into our faces and tying each other in the cockpit. Instead, we were given great practice and time to settle into the trip. Now onwards to Newport. Tom and Pam