Thursday, September 25, 2008

9/23/2008 Oxnard

A beautiful, sunny downwind sail in 15-20kts past oil rigs took us to the smaller city of Oxnard in Channel Islands Harbour. Our first moorage was at a scrubby dock and bathrooms. Pam refused to shower in them. We moved to a totally different part of the world just across the channel with the more typical (clean) moorage. Our outlook to the town was completely different and we were reminded of how skewed one’s views can become when one only sees a narrow area. We strolled through West Marine, around the shops then out to an expansive beach called Hollywood Beach. The surf on the beach reminded us that we have dinghy landing skills to learn. No one could have landed a dinghy in that surf. This is a beautiful area with a heavy Spanish influence again. Property prices from Santa Barbara down reflect Vancouver prices making either this expensive or Vancouver very expensive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having a blast I see!!! May the force continue to be with you in your travels!!!
